centered design
meets Agile.

A participative practice to establish a product vision, shape the service, draw the technical trajectory and populate the product backlog.


User research

What should a product be about? The answer lies in the minds and hearts of people – potential users, decision makers in the company, stakeholders, experts – from where we carefully extract valuable insights to drive the process through contextual interviews, ethnography, and all field and desk research techniques.



Participatory workshops are a high-speed innovation engine. We adopt a modified Design Sprint methodology to map business opportunities and shape actionable service concepts and relevant product features together with the client, getting our IT architects and engineers involved in the sessions with designers from day one.


Product backlog

A digital product is a living product, constantly evolving at a much higher pace than physical ones. That’s why you need to engineer change into its roadmap. We achieve that by breaking down the product into its smaller parts – the user stories – and by prioritizing them according to the business vision in a product backlog, in order to plan a Minimum Lovable Viable Product and allow flexibility in the following releases.


Technical trajectory

Technologists are not there just to execute someone else’s design, for better or worse. Their contribution is key, and not just in terms of assessing an idea’s technical feasibility. They help shaping the very concept of the product and defining its blueprint, while scanning the tech space for available, plug-and-play hardware and software solutions or envisioning new ways to enable users’ and clients’ goals.

In a nutshell

  • Research and understanding
  • Opportunity mapping
  • Co-design sessions
  • Personas and customer journey
  • Business model
  • Story mapping
  • Feasibility and scouting
  • Product backlog
  • Release planning

Let’s make a great product together!

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